February 5, 2010

scripps ranch farmer's market tomorrow?

so, i'm pretty bummed about the weather. normally i welcome rain, but not tomorrow. i'm set to have a booth there and reports say a 70% chance of rain and thunder storms. i'm doing the market with a fellow artist (check out her desert gypsies studio at julieharrisart.net) and we are back and forth on what to do. as of now, we'll see how the weather is at 6.30 am and then make our decision. (photo: another one of my new designs)

February 1, 2010

" ? "

scan of my mixed media art piece titled "?", then cut into heart shape. (i'm not liking the white background on these heart images but i can't figure out how to post them floating on the black background)

valentine' heureux ; jour de s

mignon, oui?

peace and love

this is one of my favorites. it comes in a set of four hanging hearts that say "peace and love" in four different fonts.

new valentine designs for 2010

i'm going to begin posting images of my valentine designs for 2010. this one is a scan of my red and black mixed media art piece "moulin rouge", that i've digitally manipulated.

viva la roman

i started this collage a couple years ago for my sister-in-law. her and my brother lost their beloved dog roman and i wanted to create something special for them. i've been working on it for the past couple years and finally decided, finished or not, i needed to finally give it to her. i did, this past christmas, with the caveat that i needed to borrow it back for some finishing touches. i've got it back and my goal is to finish and return it by the end of february... (in case you're curious, pook was his nickname)

the catcher in the rye

last wednesday j.d. salinger passed away, at 92. his book, the catcher in the rye, was a huge influence in my young life. i don't remember how young i was the first time i read my mother's original hard-bound copy, but it was old enough to fall in love with the book and its protagonist, holden caulfield. i could relate to him in so many ways and he made me laugh. i appreciated his dislike of phonies, i adopted his phrase "it kills me" and loved how he described his sister pheobe as "rollerskate skinny." i always wanted to be rollerskate skinny. last night i pulled my mom's copy from the bookcase and just holding it brought back so many memories. now that my mom is gone, i'm so grateful i have this small piece of her teenage years and cherish it even more. if you've never read the book, i recommend it.