June 11, 2010

"please recycle this magazine" wins 1st place

on june 2, i found out my latest art piece, "please recycle this magazine", was accepted into the san diego county fair's fine art exhibition.  out of 1,700 entries only 500 were accepted.

and today i found out that it won first place in the recycled art category. yay!  (this is actually my second time entering the san diego art fair. in 2007 i entered a piece that won 2nd place. that was pre-blog, so i'm going to find a photo and post it later.) i feel validated by this win and it gives me the confidence to keep doing what i'm doing.

this art exhibition has been good to me and i'm hoping third time's the charm. i plan to enter again next year, BUT in the mixed media category. i want to see if i can place in a "traditional" category, recycled materials aside.