January 28, 2010

recently finished pieces...

just finished 10 more for art-o-mat. i have about 35 left to do. i'm hoping i get them done this weekend. then it's just a matter of drilling holes for hanging, and adhering my information on the back.

January 20, 2010

croatia in september

accommodations are officially booked for the last two weeks in september. me, joel, pappy, michael and saja are renting an apartment in dubrovnik that'll be home base, and then travel out from there via auto. as you can see, the dalmation coast is just gorgeous. 

we fly into amsterdam first, so we'll spend the first couple days mingling with the dutch and riding bikes along the canals. it's the bike capital of the world, after all. kunt u strand-kruiser zeggen?

image of the day...

January 19, 2010

valentine's day

i spent the 3-day weekend designing valentines. i came up with about 8 or 9 designs. might be overkill, but i'm doing a farmer's market the week before valentine's day, so we'll see how it goes. i was also invited to participate in two upcoming valentine's day events for the american heart association. 15 percent of the proceeds will go the organization. this is what i designed from the image i posted last week. you won't see any of the white space on the finished card, just the heart shape. i dig it, but will other people? (more images to follow)

January 13, 2010

peggy guggenheim's silver bedhead

(continued from previous post below)
unfortunately this photograph does not do the silver bedhead justice. it's much prettier in person.

one of my top 3 modern art museums

located on venice's grand canal, the peggy guggenheim collection is one of europe's premiere museums devoted to modern art. with masterpieces ranging in style from cubism and surrealism to abstract expressionism, the collection has become one of the most respected and visited cultural attractions in venice

my favorite piece in the museum (besides the throne in the sculpture garden) is the silver bedhead in peggy's bedroom. she commissioned it from artist and sculptor alexander calder in 1945-46.

January 12, 2010

new design

digitally manipulated version of an acrylic on old wood door piece i painted to honor my mom in 2008. i might use this digital version to create my signature hanging art cards for valentine's day. (i wonder if it needs more blue?)

January 6, 2010

my favorite architect - antoni gaudi

casa batllo in barcelona. i recommend seeing his work in person. it's stunning.

January 5, 2010

inter-office mail

this is the kind of inter-office mail i like to get.

one of my favorite artists

an artist is somebody who produces things that other people don't need to have. -- andy warhol

January 3, 2010

my cute husband (and a peek our latest art purchase)

these colors are pretty subtle compared to what we're usually drawn to, but it spoke to us. it's by malibu artist robert weil. acrylic on metal. the fat frenchmen walking his dog is a recurring theme in his work. check out his website: robertweil.com

January 2, 2010

art-o-mat project

art-o-mat is the brilliant brainchild of clark whittington in north carolina. i discovered his site by accident several years ago and have been spreading the word ever since. it's been on my "to do" list to become an artist in cellophane (check out artomat.org to see what that means) and i finally got my act together, sent in my prototypes and was accepted. that was about four months ago. my next step was to make fifty pieces of my art and send them off to clark. i haven't yet, so i made a resolution to complete them by end of january.

January 1, 2010


welcome 2010. i hope you are good to me, my family and friends. okay, this blog is about art and here are a few frustrated artist resolutions: 

  4. maybe join FACEBOOK for art promoting purposes
but, first things first...art-o-mat.