July 19, 2010

today is the first day of the rest of my life

my, how things have changed since my last post over a month ago.  i am now one of the statistics on the nightly news.  after 15 years of loyal service and stellar performance reviews, i was told my position was being eliminated.  i was being laid off.   wow.  i never saw it coming.  i was shocked, devastated, angry, offended and scared.  still am to be honest.  
BUT, i must admit i've always known corporate america was not my destiny.  it stifled me creatively, and over time i sort of just accepted it.  
so, this as an opportunity, a blessing in disguise, the best thing that ever happened to me.
the first day of the rest of my life...
stay tuned.

(still pisses me off, though)

1 comment:

  1. hi Suzie
    I am trying to write here but it won't let me send it. dang it. I am thinking of you!!!!
    please be in touch sometime. miss you
    I have no one to talk to about art.
    I am so sad for your but I love your attitude about 'first day'! JULIE
