September 6, 2010

ART SAN DIEGO 2010 international contemporary art fair

i had the best day yesterday.  julie and i volunteered at the san diego visual arts (SDVAN) booth at the san diego 2010 contemporary art fair downtown.  our booth representated four local artists, two of which i really liked:

“mischa barton for bebe” – 2008 - david adey

david adey - he takes images from magazines (mostly fashion) and disassembles them using craft punches. he takes out EVERYTHING except the flesh. all hair, eyes, nails, clothing, graphics from the magazine – GONE. then he meticulously reassembles them using push pins and foam.

the de la torre brothers - einar and jamex de la torre are glass artists whose work plays on physical and cultural divides. i met them yesterday during the show and kinda have a crush on them. here's a pic i found of them in australia with outsider artist, slim barrie.

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